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Thursday, April 14, 2011

Working Girl

Well, it finally happened.
After over 7 years of being a Stay-at-Home-Mom, I actually returned to the working world!

Of ALL the career opportunities out there (hahah!!! Isn't THAT a joke?!?!), I ended up BACK in retail!!

Don't get me wrong, as far as retail goes....I am the BOMB!!!!
I know the ins and outs of it, I understand it, and I am AWESOME at it!
(Pretty funny when you consider the fact that I HATE shopping with every fiber of my being!!!
Come to think of it, I probably hate shopping because of too many years on the OTHER side of the register.

It's been a tough adjustment, I'll admit, but, once I really thought about it......
it's the SAME fricking job only NOW I get paid to deal with it!!!!

1. I wake up at the butt crack of dawn just to spend my day talking to complete idiots who OBVIOUSLY don't understand a word I am saying.

2. I STILL smell funky....only now I've traded that sexy, fruity smell of Children's Dimetapp in my hair for the even more alluring smell of motor oil and pine scented air fresheners.

3. Every time I answer the phone, I find myself surrounded by a bunch of whiny people who are going to DIE if they don't get my attention RIGHT NOW!

4. No matter WHAT they want/need to's always too much money, and I am somehow to blame for that fact!

5. Despite the fact that everything is organized and labeled, NO ONE can seem to put anything back in the right place.....sooooo, once again, I am left to pick up after everyone else.

6. My "boss" is still a child who goofs around all day and relishes the fact that I will take care of everything and everyone.

7. "I need this, I need that, I want to do this without any effort at all!"'s still annoying.

8. Break time? HAHAHHAHAHA.......FORGET IT!

9. Instead of climbing up and down the stairs 100 times a day (even though I was JUST up there!), I now have to climb up and down a ladder 100 times a day because SOMEONE can't make up their mind what EXACTLY it is that they want!

10. Even though I have everything ready to go and it's time for me leave, the "boss" always finds some reason for me to be late heading out the door!

There is on STARK difference, though......

I'm pretty sure that when the "boss" is pi$$ing me off for being lazy,

I'd get FIRED if I told her she was grounded or washed her mouth out with soap!

Who knows, though....
Maybe it's worth a shot!!!!

1 comment:

  1. Very well written and if I didn't know where you were working already, I'd never guess...
