Yeah, Yeah, Yeah....
I know kids are all cute and cuddly, the light of the world, the reason for waking up in the morning and all of that other Hallmark greeting card "feel good" nonsense.
And, YES, despite what I may say, I go to bed every night smiling because I have them in my life
(mainly because that means I won't need to come up with a good alibi in the morning!)
But, come on, if you've NEVER looked at your sweet little angel and, at least, ONCE been convinced that he/she was either the spawn of Satan or an evil genius, then you should have been either a nun or a priest,
in which case.....you wouldn't HAVE kids...so you are a LIAR!!!
I tend to live my life in the open and speak my mind (enough with the "REALLY?!?!?!" already!!)
It's not the I don't ADORE my kiddos (really, I do!)....
but let's face it, in a few years, they are going to be making fun of me ALL the time, so.....
I prefer to think of it as "paying it forward".
Alright, enough of me justifying what I'm about to say.....
I have PROOF!!!!
1. Let's start with an obvious fact:
Kids require time and money
Kids = Time X Money
2. Another fact:
Time is money
Time = Money
3. Therefore:
Kids = Money X Money = (Money)squared
4. Money is the root of all evil:
Money = the square root of Evil
5. Therefore:
Kids = (square root of Evil)squared
6. Conclusion......
Kids = Evil
I'm sorry, folks, really I am....
but numbers don't lie...
Don't blame me...
Blame basic Math!!!!
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