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Monday, January 24, 2011

Genetic Disorder?

Anyone who knows me realizes that I can be a little stubborn at times.
OK, in reality, I will argue with anyone until they believe I'm right, even if I discovered I might be wrong halfway through said argument! (Just don't let the hubby know that!)

I hold fast in my confidence that I KNOW BEST!
If I realize something is wrong after I get my way, then I will make CERTAIN that you never figure that out!

Apparently, it's genetic......and it MAGNIFIES with each generation!

Today, my sweet baby girl (we'll call her "The Bean") found a cube of beef boullion and was certain it was really candy.  After several tantrums, I decided it would just be easier to let her taste it and find out for herself.  She eagerly grabbed it from my hand and popped it into her mouth.  Instantly, a look of disgust appeared on her face.  She looks at me, and I say those infamous word, "I told you so.", but rather than spit it out........she quickly puts a smile on her face, walks out of the room, peeks over her shoulder for me, and then spits out behind the TV.

The Ref (my 7yr old) is a little less subtle about it.  He firmly believes that, since he spends all day in school, it is his God given right to play video games every minute he is home.  He simply has no TIME to be bothered with things like showering, eating, or, even worse, homework.  He will give every excuse in the book about being right at the hardest part, etc., but just when you hit your breaking point......he simply stops listening. He puts up a wall strong enough to secure America's borders!!  He just IGNORES you! (On a sidenote: the ONLY way to make him listen is to ground him from the games!)

Then, there's the Instigator (the 5yr old).  Where do I even START?! He's an evil genius when it comes to being stubborn.  When it comes to cleaning up or starting homework, he will just show his A$$!! He's very smart, though, you see. When he finally comes to the realization that he's not going to win, and may possibly spend the rest of his life in the naughty chair trying, he calls for backup!! He will calm down, and then go get the Ref and Princess to help him gang up on me!! I guess he figures that if he gets THEM to do his dirty work for him......they get in trouble, and he gets his way!! (Secretly, it makes me PROUD!)

That brings us to the Princess.  She keeps an entire arsenal of tricks in her bag! She even alters her strategy midway through, depending on how the situation is going!

1. AVOID THE CONFLICT: If she already knows that she isn't going to be allowed a cookie, etc., she just waits until she can sneak it and runs to her room to hide!

2. THE EYES: Strictly for use when Daddy's in charge.  If he says "NO", she immediately tilts her head, puts her hands together, bats those big brown eyes and says, "PLEEEEAAASSE DADDY?". Works EVERY time!

3. THE VICTIM: When all else fails....."You hate me......that makes me saaaaad." Lower lip sticking out the whole time, and able to cry on cue.....I challenge ANYONE to stand your ground when your heart melts like that!!!

 I think I might have to give up my "Queen Manipulator" staus might have to be downgraded as the kiddos get older!!!

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