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Thursday, January 6, 2011


Maybe I WAS a nerd, but homework never bothered me as a child.  Granted, my young kids have a LOT more homework than I EVER did until High School, but SERIOUSLY, why does it make them sooooo flipping angry to do it?!?!

Tonight, like every night, I have spent 2 hours of my time helping a 1st grader and Kgartner do their homework, and am still not done! (Mommy needs a short break at this point!)

Dear boys:
Buck up already!!! You are in for MANY more years of homework much more complicated than coloring 12 circles in a pattern!! Just wait until you have a teacher who actually GRADES your work rather than assigning it a star or an incomplete. I am no longer going to spend two hours of MY time begging and pleading with you to do homework that honestly only takes you 15 minutes once you finally sit down to do it! OH, and the added bonus of having to control your sisters while I fight with you about things I KNOW you know....well that just makes my day!!!  You spend HOURS trying to avoid homework and arguing about doing it, but, seriously kids, it only takes you a few minutes to do it!!!  I will not and CAN not raise another generation of slackers!!! GET OVER IT!!!!

PS.......This message brought to you by the National Organization of Fed Up Nurturers....NO FUN!!!

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