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Wednesday, January 26, 2011

Punk Rock Girl

The other day, my little princess got her first "real" haircut! Yes, I know she is 4, but she has NEVER needed one! (Actually, she still didn't need one, but the hairdresser offered to cut it for free......and we're all about FREE!)

I say her first "real" haircut for a reason.  You see, I do have the first lock of her hair from this past summer.  That was when she got a little fan stuck in her hair, and it had to be yanked out!!! Note to self: If the appliance is smarter than your child (even if it's made of foam) don't let her use it!

A few months back, she was playing outside with her best friend.  They quietly snuck into her friend's house while her friend's Mom and I chatted.  When they return.......we discovered that they had been playing hairdresser! Yep, my little princess with the natural born mullet now had chunks of hair gone just to fully insure the redneck look!!!

So, now......she has actually had her first trip to the beauty salon!!! Our dear hairdresser decided to "play" with her hair for a bit.  Punk Rock style pig tails and pink hair spray!!!

She is in Punk Rock Heaven!!!! I have to admit, we had a meltdown on her hands when she discovered that the pink will wash out......but she even came home with the pink hairspray!!!! 

Here's the problem:

Little Miss Sassy has now decided that her hair MUST be pink EVERYday!!
I can't blame her, though. You see, it's a little known fact, but the hubby and I are closet punk rock fans. So are all of my kids! We just can't seem to pull the look off as well as my little rockstar!!!

Three days out, and we have officially run out of the pink hairspray!!!
Suddenly, she has decided that, if she can't have pink hair.......she no longer needs to HAVE hair!!!

TWICE today I have have had to grab the scissors out of her hands as she was grabbing handfuls of her hair (what little there is), getting ready to cut it!!!!

I'm just going to call MTV now and ask for an INTERVENTION!!!!!


  1. Really would like to see a photo...probably your other readers would too....don't they sell the pink spray?? store it up high or everyone will be pink. I loved it....

  2. Willy.... I sooooo want to post a pic, but I don't want to put pics of my kids online!!!!!! Just worried, you know!!!
