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Saturday, January 8, 2011

When Kids Rule the World!!!

We all know that saying about how the future rests in the hands of our youth, right? Well, if that's the truth, then I hope my kids aren't an example of the world ahead!

I can only imagine what the world will look like in future decades:

1. The hottest fashion trend will be wearing only one shoe because that's all anyone can find.
2. Handshakes will be outlawed because everyone picks their nose constantly.
3. Instead of political debates, there will be public whine-offs.
4. Belts will be pointless because everyone's butts would be in plain view anyway. (OH wait, that's true now!)
5. Forget garbage pickup or one will throw anything away, anyway.
6. Couch Jumping will become an Olympic Event.
7. Ronald McDonald will be President.
8. Wearing Halloween costumes to work everyday would be completely acceptable.
9. Everyone will have long hair, and hairdressers will be obsolete because no one will EVER want a haircut.
10. Grocery stores will just stop selling vegetables all together.

If this is the case, then I hope I'm too senile by then to see it all!

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