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Wednesday, July 20, 2011

"Feelin' HOT HOT HOT!!!"

I REALLY thought this summer would be easy since I just escaped the "Hell on Earth" NC summers....


I do NOT remember it being THIS stinking hot when I grew up here!!!

I signed up for COOLER summers and UNBEARABLE winters!!
I got the latter  FULL FORCE, but this summer is just CRAZY!!

LUCKILY, I am one of those "glass is half I'll finish it off and grab another" kind of people.
So, I look at this "so fricking hot you wish you were DEAD" spell and MAKE myself figure out ways that this heatwave will benefit ME!!!
(YES, I'm self-absorbed, but I ADMIT it so that makes it acceptable, right?)

Reasons this flipping Hot as Hell Weather makes MY life easier:

1.  COOKING: Come on, now?!?!? SERIOUSLY?!?!? Microwave, grill, and sandwiches are soooo much easier than actually cooking WHATEVER meal I make that they'll  REFUSE to eat, anyway!!!!  The "Why do I even bother" factor has gone down DRASTICALLY!!!

2.  No worries about the kiddos running away.....the trail of SWEAT they would leave behind them makes them easier to find!

3.  Bath/Shower time drama...OBSOLETE!!!! The way I see it, if they're gonna HAVE to be in the pool within the next 2 hours.....WHY BOTHER~~ (I heard, somewhere, that chlorine kills germs, anyway!!!)

4.  The excessive humidity?......yeah...that just hydrates the kiddos every time they breathe in, so I don't have to actually get up and get them a drink every other minute!!!

5.  I can just sit inside the house (where my folks REFUSE to turn on the AC) and sweat off extra weight as I save the time involved with actually going to a sauna!!!

6.  NO need to do laundry anymore!!! WTF would I pick out clothes for the kiddos to wear KNOWING they will be half naked within the hour?!?!?!

TRUST me.....
I am NOT a fan of this excessive heat.....

but if it continues to UNcomplicate my life...

I might just send a "Thank You" note to Al Gore

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