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Saturday, February 26, 2011

Walmart vs. Target

And the war wages on......

I have had this argument time and time again:

Which is better.....Walmart or Target?

Having grown up in a town that STILL doesn't even HAVE a Target, most of the people I know are a little partial (ie--ignorant!) when it comes to this battle.

I have been partial to Target for many years now, but, today I actually had to question this decision.
(the kiddos, by the way, are complete Target fanatics--despite Grandma's persistence!)

I've narrowed it down to a few questions you must ask yourself before pledging your loyalty to either chain:
We'll tally it at the end and see who wins!!!

1. Customer Service:
    Target--the workers look at me and smile (with all of their teeth), and sound compassionate on the odd occasion that I am suffering through a kids' meltdown.
    Walmart--"Someone needs to shut that kid up!"..."Ummmm....that's MY kid!!! The hubby is trying to      distract a 15 month old while I try to hurry and spend upwards of $200 on your worthless CRAP!" (true story.....ended a lot uglier than that, DON'T mess with this Mama!!!)

2. Price:
   OK.....I'll admit that Walmart "might" have a little edge on this one.....IF you prefer the very bottom of the bottom products. Look...don't get me wrong, I'm a clearance rack girl, but, given a choice between Walmart clothes and Target clothes.....Target has better discounts, and I don't feel like my next job interview HAS to be with the circus!

3. Return Policy:
   Walmart: "You bought this 10 years KMart?......giftcard or refund?"
    Target:    "SCREW YOU!!!"
4. Kiddo Meltdowns:
    Target: "I LOVE this place!! Can we look at the toys? Mmmmmmm....POPCORN!!!"
    Walmart: "This toy is broken! Why are all of the fish dead?!?! Move it old lady, we are in a rush!!! Where's the candy?!?!?!?!"

5. Self Esteem:
     Target: Somewhat normal people from all walks of life just trying to go about their own business.
     Walmart: Freaks of nature on display!! It's like walking into an old Picasso painting and all of the exits are suddenly sealed!!!!

Let's see...

Target 3.......Walmart 2

However......#5 seals the deal for me!!!!

Walmart wins!!!

If you're having a bad day or are just feeling a little down about your own life.....GO TO WALMART!!!! You will soon realize that you are MUCH better off than some of the people in there!!!!
There is NO WAY an appointment with Dr. Phil could make you feel better about yourself than a good adventure at "Wally World"!!!!

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