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Monday, January 3, 2011

My New Favorite

I'm sitting around the house today watching the girls play and giggle.  I started to notice something that I never really noticed before:

The older kids could certainly learn a few things from their baby sister!!!!

1. She brings me her cup when she's thirsty and wants another drink. Not ONCE has she sat on the couch screaming, "MOM! I'M THIRSTY!!" and then insisted that she doesn't know where her cup is and made me search the entire house for it b/c God forbid she should use any cup other than her "favorite" one.

2. When I say, "Bathtime!" she comes running to the stairs and immediately goes up all excited and happy about tub time, and she gets out when I say "time's up".  NEVER has she whined and moaned for 2 hours about how she can't miss her favorite show, has to finish building something, or needs to finish drawing a picture and made me take away all her privileges just to hear ANOTHER tantrum about that, and then REFUSED to get OUT of the bath/shower when I say she's been in long enough.

3. When it's time to go somewhere, she brings me her shoes and heads right for the door. I can't think of a single time when she made me search the house for a missing shoe while she sits plopped on the couch searching under the same pillow for an hour!!

4. In the car, she either falls asleep or sits there quietly. Not once have I had to yell at her to keep her hands to herself, keep her feet to herself, or to stop fighting and screaming. Nor have I ever had to turn the radio all the way up just to drown out her noise.

5. When it's time to eat, she just sits in her chair and eats whatever I put in front of her. When she's done she picks up her plate and hands it to me. Not a single time has she asked for something for lunch and then turned around and refused to eat it because she changed her mind!  Also, she has never pushed her plate across the plate ans yelled, "EEEWWWW! That's disgusting!". She has never taken her spoons and dishes and hidden them under the couch or behind the pillows.

So, for the moment.......She is my new favorite!!!

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