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Monday, January 10, 2011

Snow Day?

I was born and raised in a rural little town in northern Pennsylvania so I, for one, LOVED the snow and everything about it......


You see, in the South, everyone panics when there is threat of snow.
Stores are packed, one snowflake causes everyone to drive 10 mph, and the schools actually dismiss early before even ONE snowflake falls!!!

Dear Persons in Charge of Early Dismissal:
While I aprreciate your concern for the safety of our children, I am wondering why you would choose to dismiss the kids at noon when not a single bit of winter weather has fallen!!!  Just how far DID you have your head up your a$$ when you made that decision?!?  Now my kids have missed a 1/2 day of school (which they won't have to make up), and I AM STUCK WITH THEM FOR 4 EXTRA HOURS!!  Thanks for that! I am truly concerned  that this kind of misguided faith in the weather reports (which has happend 4 times this year, so FAR) , is contributing to the deterioration of our nation's youth.  Please let me know if I am wrong, but I BELIEVE that my taxes pay for you to  watch my kids 180 days a year!!!  So, when we are being ruled by a generation of ill-educated, lazy, no work ethic adults......take a long look in the mirror, and then pat yourself on your own flipping back!!!!!